News :: Admission Started - 2024/25. Play Class, LKG, STD-1...           

Principal Desk

In this constantly ever changing society the young minds are pitted with drastic changes in their environment. In these formative years they need a genial, tranquil and natural learning environment. SDPY Central School provides all these to all children. With the ever increasing demand of competitions, fast changing values, pressure of challenging career and increasing love for materialistic life it has become difficult for the individuals to maintain its prim values intact. We, in our School, try to imbibe values of love, culture and knowledge through education that enables them to adjust and adapt to the emerging society of multicultural thoughts beliefs and religions. It fosters them with the courage that kindles optimism and the willpower not to give up during adversities.

Life is an exciting journey with challenging adventures along the way. Life may be seen as an Ocean voyage across unknown depths where storms occasionally toss us about as we seek the safety of calm shores. Challenges and difficulties in the lives of children are inevitable. However we need to know what will keep us stable in times of rough weather. Always try to maintain a positive attitude in a crisis.

The only ship that is safe in a storm is Leadership. You should not be afraid of storms because you are learning here how to sail the ship. Leadership is not about position or power. It is an ability to stand out and influence and people see you as unique. It could be in the way you face the storms of life .It could be in the way you handle your social relationships. It could also be your strength of character or may be in the way you think differently.

May God Almighty shower his blessing to illumine in all our activities and to increase our inner beauty and prepare each one of to face life with confidence.

Sini K.P
Vice Principal

  Sini K.P
Vice Principal